Greetings John,

I found a link with authentic sources listing the miracles I mentioned. https://www.dislam.org/prophet/the-prophet-muhammad-s-miracles/163-the-prophets-miracles-related-to-increasing-food

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This was quite interesting! I like the theme of groups of ten. Jesus breaks the crowds into groups of fifty or a hundred.

I found this amusing: "Since this event was witnessed by 1,000 people, was related by Jabir with an oath, and no one is reported to have contradicted it, it can be considered as definite as if it were related by 1,000 people." Silence is complicity!

This bit is also quite interesting. It's like stories of fairies that you cannot see unless you believe in fairies. Also makes me think of quantum physics, where the act of making an observation changes the state of the system: "When they noticed it was not decreasing, they measured it to see how much it had been reduced. This ended the blessing of abundance, and the barley began to dwindle. When the man told God's Messenger what had happened, he replied: 'If you had not measured it, it would have sufficed you for a lifetime.'"

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Thank you Tomas! (Sorry for misspelling your name earlier 😅)

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Awesome and reflective post! It made me think of my Muslim days before I lapsed. In the Hadith traditions Muhammad ‘miraculously’ fed a whole wedding and in another he had water flow from his fingers when water was scarce.

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Wow that's fascinating! Do you have a source for that feeding the wedding story? I'd love to check it out. Both of the stories you describe also remind me of the story of Jesus turning water into wine.

Thanks Thomas!

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Hi John. I’m out of the country where Internet is off and on. I’ll look for the sources in English as I have most in Arabic.

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