Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by John P Sullivan

Thank you for bringing forward these interesting ideas, John. You modestly claim to be not terribly well-read in Christian theology. I can truthfully trump that by admitting to being a prize ignoramus! So, with that caveat, I would suggest that several pre-Christian religions also involved the concept of a trinity of some sort. As usual, I can't remember how I think I know that or which religions they are (one was Egyptian?).

What your essay made me think of was "As above, so below." Fractals are also related.

I think the importance of the number three, and what is encoded in the Holy Trinity, is directly related to what Nicola Tesla claimed about 3, 6 and 9: "If only you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." I think number theory and mathematics have a lot more to do with theology/spirituality than most realize. Luke also discusses this in his videos. Galileo said, "The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics."

I also think that Tesla knew what Jesus was alluding to when he said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). Tesla understood that, when three people pray out loud together, their combined voices are, in ethereal terms, amplified out of all proportion; and so it is with six and nine, but perhaps even more so.

So, if you put all this together in terms of number, frequency, vibration, sound, vortices and fractals, you probably come nearer to understanding some big esoteric knowledge/keys.

PS - haven't forgotten about Arthur!

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<< You modestly claim to be not terribly well-read in Christian theology. I can truthfully trump that by admitting to being a prize ignoramus! >>

LOL yeah my assumed modesty is a bit annoying, sorry about that. I guess what I really wanted to say here was, "I doubt I am the first one to think of this, but I have never seen anyone else mention it."

Yeah, "as above, so below," I can see that, sort of like the two cubes on top of each other in the tree of life.

I've gotten through about half of the Luke material I queued up for myself. It's pretty fascinating. Yeah lots of numerology there. I have no idea what Tesla was talking about with 3/6/9. I wish I did. 3 and 9 have special properties in a base 10 system, such as being able to see if a number is divisible by 3 or 9 by adding up the digits, as qabalists love to do.

Thanks so much for reading and for you thoughtful comment, Tirion!

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All of which is very interesting, thank you. Perhaps rather an off shoot and quite mad but with seriousness behind it, you might be interested in this approach to numbers.


Or even this.


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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your post, all very interesting and food for thought. Perhaps at this stage I might suggest my link for consideration on the nature of God as per the original Hebrew and Greek text.


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Thanks Baldmichael! Your post on the names of God is very interesting!

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As always, you’re on to something here, John. As a lapsed Muslim, I also noticed something a bit similar in the Islamic shahaadah, an Islamic Binity of sorts, where one isn’t considered Muslim unless recognition of the Allah-Muhammad godhead isn’t acknowledged. I’m sure the Prophet was heavily influenced by the trinity but saw contradiction with the heavy Jewish concept of Tawhid the Jews of Yathrib espoused. He adopted the latter and rejected the former because the Trinity made sense to him, thus creating the Islamic Binity a.k.a the Shahaadataani - or the two requires testificacions. I enjoyed this post. I hope you keep exploring and sharing your sketches! 👍👍

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Thank you Tomas! You are teaching me a lot about Islam. I confess I've never heard about the Binity before. That's fascinating!

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